Welcome to What Could Possibly Go Wrong ?

Discover the daily trials and triumphs of one woman navigating life's challenges with humour and grace. Join us on this rollercoaster ride!

The Blog Is Born

I had never planned on writing a blog. I used to send my husband texts on how my day was going - usually straight in the crapper - as I stayed home with our three wonderful offspring. He took great delight in sharing these missives with his co-workers. They actually asked for more and so the idea of a blog was born. Full disclaimer I am always honest and I sometimes (a lot of times) swear, but I defy anyone to spend a day in my house without issuing a few expletives of their own. What you will read is the truth, no names changed to protect the innocent or candy coating. What you see is what you get - good, bad or downright embarrassing, so please, stay tuned to relive the last couple of decades and perhaps get a laugh at my expense.

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About us

What Could Possibly Go Wrong ? is a blog dedicated to sharing the ups and downs of one woman's quest to stay sane and sober amidst life's chaos. Join us as we laugh, cry, and learn together.

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