So, the day begins benignly, until my 10-year-old decides he wants a BB gun - answer is no, simple enough. However, Grady having honed his debating skills on his older sister hasn't given up. He continues to nag, and in my effort for some peace in which to nurse my Sunday morning hangover (which is especially sad as I haven't consumed any alcohol since Christmas), I finally agree that when he is of a legal age (I told him it was 32) I will take him to a shooting range, and he can fire a gun under controlled conditions. At which point he asks if he can use his sister as a target. Do I really need another reason to say no to a BB gun? Of course that's not the end of it, his sister hearing the conversation takes umbrage at being used - albeit theoretically - as target practice and thumps him over the head with a weapon of her own. I know this isn't going to end well, so discretion being the better part of valour, I take my now cold coffee and escape

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