Pecking Order: When a Bird Takes Over the House

    As a stay-at-home mum, I used to face the 10-week summer school holidays with equal parts dread (alone with my children 24-7) and exhilaration (I can sleep in).  This particular year, we were only day three of the school holidays and already I was not sure I could take it. Despite several trips to the barn to do chores and feed lambs, an expensive trip to the bookstore, another to McDonald's and the ice cream store, I am still battling a chorus of the "I'm boreds".  I can't even take off and leave the little sods behind, because Lindsay has my vehicle.    This one particular morning was a little livelier, when I hear a crash in the chimney and a starling flies out into the family room, where I am working. I start screeching a warning "Bird in the house, BIRD IN THE HOUSE", but no one comes running. Meanwhile the poor bird is hitting windows left, right and center, while I rush around opening doors and yelling for the kids.  I found out afterwards, they are all ignoring me because they think they are in trouble.  How "Bird in the house" translates to "You're in trouble" is beyond me. Not to mention, if they are in trouble, ignoring me is guaranteed not to improve their situation.     Finally, Grady ventures downstairs only to have the bird dive bomb his head as it flies upstairs.  He screams "Holy Crap!" and hits the deck, while I'm yelling at him to open the back door.  By the time I make it upstairs the girls have joined the fray and Sid, as useful as ever is calling out directions, but the bird can fly faster than she can speak, so by the time we get to the last known position, the bird has already moved on. I finally corner it in the window in the sun-room and with ninja like stealth I balance unsteadily between the settee and DVD stand and pounce.  Grady is in the background, yelling "Don't hurt the bird, don't hurt the bird". Sidney is screaming and the bog is barking. Lindsay has only just got up, so she isn't doing much of anything.  The only difference between me and the trapped bird is that he will soon be free!     The last time this happened (yes really, it has happened before), I made the mistake of hesitating while the kids took a closer look at the bird, and it took that opportunity to escape. I am wiser this time, and despite entreaties to the contrary, as soon as I got that bird in my hand, I headed straight for the back door and let it go.  All this on only one cup of coffee! 

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Unbridled Chaos: When Your Horse Has Other Plans

     A few years ago, we had just finished dinner one evening when Rob receives a text. Not a cause for alarm for most people, but it was Alyssia, the barn manager, which never ever bodes well. Sure enough the text reads "Don't want to alarm you but Lacey tried to jump a fence and now she is entangled in the wire".  Everyone flies into panic mode, load up the van with any cutting implement we can find and head for the stables. Unfortunately, in our rush, no one remembered a flashlight, and we arrive at the barn in the pitch black with only a cell phone for illumination - which trust me works a lot better in the movies than it does in a field in the middle of nowhere. 

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Plot Twist

      We get up one morning, and Sid complains about the chilly temperature. Not sure why as today is the warmest day to date in this hellish never ending frigid winter we have experienced, but she does. Particularly she grizzles her feet are cold. I suggest she don her slippers, so she skips back upstairs and is gone for some time. Finally, when she returns to the kitchen, she is wearing one reindeer slipper and one purple sequined slipper (don't ask). As a general rule I do not comment on what they wear, but I couldn't let this one pass, I was far too curious. "Pray tell" I asked, "Why are you wearing odd slippers?"  "They were the only ones I could find" Sid replies.  

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The Masked Menace: A Tale of Mischief in the Rafters

   One night as we are drifting off to sleep, we hear a loud noise from above us. After listening for several minutes to bumps and growls and possibly moans, my husband deduced that we had a pair of raccoons mating in the attic. I don't know what annoyed him more, the fact they were in our attic or that they were getting more action than he was. 

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Puddles, Pom-Poms, and Parade Oops Moments

    When the Brooklin parade celebrated its 101st year, I think for only three of those years it hasn't rained.  The year in question was no different, except for the odd tornado that had appeared to have touched down the night before, and where the temperature that had been a balmy 30 degrees at the beginning of the week had now dropped to a bone chilling, teeth chattering, almost but not quite snowing level of cold. 

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Big Brother, Small Lies: How Playground Gossip Ruined His Street Cred

   I had to feel sorry for my son when he was in grade school.  One week I received a call from his teacher, to inform me that Grady had bumped his head - on another child - and had a big lump on his forehead, but he was refusing to ice it. It didn't seem too bad, and she promised me she'd keep an eye on him. If he started acting or talking strangely, she told me she would call me back. I had to intervene at this point, explaining that as talking and acting strangely was something Grady did on a regular basis, it would require something much more dire before I hastened to his side. 

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Bombs Away

I know as a parent I should encourage my child if they have an inquisitive mind, but with Grady, all bets are off.

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For Alison

This goes out to Alison, a good friend and hair stylist extraordinaire. She is also the first person to comment on my new website (Thank you!!)  and also, the reason Grady has a pet python.  She has been a brave follower of my previous blog for several years. On one visit to her salon, she was extolling the virtues of my posts to another customer.  "At first," she began "You think she must be making some of these things up, but then you meet the family, and you understand" She's not wrong. 

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Babe In The Woods

Today a story about my youngest, Sidney. At only 7 years old she had proved to be the most challenging of our children. Whether she is beating the crap out of her brother, or giving herself a time out from her teacher, (yes really) she certainly requires the most creative parenting.

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...And They Called Him The Streak ...

Back in the day, just when I thought we were well underway to being a normal family, this happens. The dickhead cat refused to come in last night and then proceeded to wake up Rob at 3 AM when he got into a fight outside our bedroom window. 

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No Guts, No Glory—Or No Survivors? A Game of Chicken Gone Awry

     This is another moment from history, hard to believe the offspring are adults now  ... So, if the neighbours haven't already banded together to have us committed, they will after this latest debacle. Grady and Sid decide to play outside, which is OK as far as ideas go.  They start by cruising the neighbourhood, Grady on his bike and Sid on an electric scooter.  I am inside reading my book, taking advantage of the lull.  I should have known better, because I'm not alone for long before the front door opens and slams shut, cutting off a diatribe from my husband, and then I hear heavy footsteps thudding down the stairs. Grady appears disheveled in the doorway. 

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Ponygeddon: When Cuteness Goes Rogue

A few years ago, when we had been feeding the lambs, one evening before we ventured up we received a slightly panicked call from Alyssia, the barn manager. It turned out that two of the ponies - Ludwig and Thistle - had broken out of the paddock and gained access to the barn. Once there, Thistle had managed to open the freezer where the grain is stored and the two of them had a feast. The only problem was, part of what they consumed was lamb grain - great for lambs, not so much for horses, as it could cause serious complications. Alyssia had rung her vet - who promptly put her on hold, no doubt to laugh at her latest in a long line of predicaments - but eventually gave her a list of signs to look out for, laboured breathing, unsteadiness, bloating, and so on. 

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Family Game Night AKA The Purge .. Our Way

Fun Family Game Night, never have four little words hidden such a diabolical meaning.  Sid has been desperately asking for a family game night. She is too young to remember the game nights of old, the tears, the bloodshed and the carnage just a blur on her memory. Ever since the last Game Night which stopped just short of a knock down drag out fight, Rob and I have been avoiding a recurrence. We dodged the bullet at Christmas, feigning sickness but Sid was not to be deterred.  A recent weekend was Family Day here in Ontario, what better day to hold a family game night reasoned Sid. That girl is nothing if not persistent. Whilst she spent the weekend choosing games, selecting snacks and creating a soundtrack on her IPod , Rob and I took a different view, something akin to bamboo shoots under the fingernails. An invitation was issued to Lindsay's boyfriend, let's call him Zach because that was his name.  I felt a little guilty about dragging him in to the drama, but we needed to round out the numbers. 

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Kelly Plans .. Kids Laugh

Sometimes my ideas border on sheer genius, and then there are others that leave me shaking my head and wondering WTF was I thinking. Sometimes I just shouldn't - think that is. This was one of those times. 

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Grady Vs The Mouse

    When she was younger, one of Sid's chores was to feed the dogs. One morning she raced up the basement stairs "I can't feed the dog, there is a mouse in the kibble".  Never one to assume a task when I can delegate to my children, I instruct Grady to take care of it.  He is eager to oblige and races in to grab my kitchen tongs. I stop him dead in his tracks.    

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Silence Of The Lambs

     A few years ago, I had great fun helping my friend Alyssia bottle feed two orphaned lambs. It isn't often one gets an opportunity like that so I was more than happy to step in and help out where I could.  

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The Final "Cat"astrophy

By the time I got home - windows still open - Rob was close behind me, so I left the cat in the kennel cab. There was no way in her current state that I wanted her running through the house, especially as her favourite hiding spot was under our bed. 

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"Cat"astrophy Part Two

So we arrive at the vets. It is as cold as a witches tit, to borrow a somewhat colourful expression from my grandmother, but all the windows are open in the van, in a futile effort to escape the toxic fumes from the cat carrier. There is no vacant parking spot, so I send Sid into the vet's with the cat, whilst I wait to park the van. Even after I have accomplished this, I seriously contemplate staying in the van, after all it's not like I'm actually needed. However common sense prevails and I venture in. I explain the issue to the receptionist, and then again to a technician, a third time to another technician, and finally to the vet himself. By now in a closed examination room, the smell is so bad that Sid is coughing and my eyes are watering. The vet palpates the cat's abdomen and determines the blockage is too far up for an enema to do any good, so he decides to take the cat out back for a rectal exam. Rather him than me, and we settle down to wait. He returns a few minutes later and proceeds to shove his gloved hand in front of my face. "Look at this" he says, as I desperately try to do anything but, "This is what I found in her rectum, fecal matter and blood". Seriously, you couldn't have just told me that, you had to show me as well ?? WTF ? Is this pay back because I'm making him shove a finger up my cat's arse, rather than spring $300 for an x-ray ? If at that point I had a concerned expression on my face, it wasn't out of concern for the cat, but instead that I might puke at any minute. I don't handle those sort of things very well, that is what my husband is for. The vet disappears to gather medication and one of the technicians returns with my cat, who now looks as pained as I do. They have administered fluids under her skin, and the technician was concerned because she was "leaking". "Don't worry" she reassures me "If the leaking starts again, just hug her close and it will stop it."  I look at her in abject horror. Does she seriously think I am going to clasp a shit covered, fluid leaking cat tight to my ample bosom, when I am wearing my new winter coat. "Uh huh" I manage to squeak out. "Sure I can do that". Over my cold dead body, I will.  The cat by now, has no fight left in her - and really who can blame her, and although I am expecting another fight with the kennel cab, she couldn't get in it enough. I get the instructions for the medication - pills and syringes - jolly good fun that will be, settle up the bill, which brings fresh tears to my eyes and then make tracks for home. Little did I know it then, but the fun was just about to begin.  

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 AKA "The Constipated Cat" or "Fecally Challenged Feline", oh yes, this is shaping up to be a real humdinger.

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The Art of Saying No

So, the day begins benignly, until my 10-year-old decides he wants a BB gun - answer is no, simple enough. However, Grady having honed his debating skills on his older sister hasn't given up. He continues to nag, and in my effort for some peace in which to nurse my Sunday morning hangover (which is especially sad as I haven't consumed any alcohol since Christmas), I finally agree that when he is of a legal age (I told him it was 32) I will take him to a shooting range, and he can fire a gun under controlled conditions. At which point he asks if he can use his sister as a target. Do I really need another reason to say no to a BB gun? Of course that's not the end of it, his sister hearing the conversation takes umbrage at being used - albeit theoretically - as target practice and thumps him over the head with a weapon of her own. I know this isn't going to end well, so discretion being the better part of valour, I take my now cold coffee and escape

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The Blog Is Born

I had never planned on writing a blog. I used to send my husband texts on how my day was going - usually straight in the crapper - as I stayed home with our three wonderful offspring. He took great delight in sharing these missives with his co-workers. They actually asked for more and so the idea of a blog was born. Full disclaimer I am always honest and I sometimes (a lot of times) swear, but I defy anyone to spend a day in my house without issuing a few expletives of their own. What you will read is the truth, no names changed to protect the innocent or candy coating. What you see is what you get - good, bad or downright embarrassing, so please, stay tuned to relive the last couple of decades and perhaps get a laugh at my expense.

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