Silence Of The Lambs

Published on 9 February 2025 at 13:02

     A few years ago, I had great fun helping my friend Alyssia bottle feed two orphaned lambs. It isn't often one gets an opportunity like that so I was more than happy to step in and help out where I could.  

     I wasn't surprised to get a text from her a few weeks later asking me if I would be willing to help out again this year and I was glad to oblige. Her friend wanted a lamb & had asked Alyssia to start the bottle feeding process for her, but she was concerned that one lamb might get lonely, so it wasn't a giant leap to suggest she get two and keep the second, however this posed another problem, once the first lamb went to his eventual home, the second lamb, too small to join the others would then be lonely.  

     What to do? What to do? What to do? Maybe we should get a lamb too, and I put the suggestion to Alyssia. However, I thought it might be wise to seek my husband's opinion.  "What do you think about getting a lamb honey? " I asked sweetly. "Don't be ridiculous" was the curt reply "What would we do with a lamb?". I texted Alyssa with the good news "Rob thinks it's a great idea, he's all for it."  So maybe I was stretching the truth just a little bit, but I figured he'd come around - eventually!

       That was all the encouragement Alyssia needed, and we started plotting.  I then received another text, her friend wanted two lambs. No problem let's get four I suggested. Alyssia had already sent me a photo of the 25 orphaned lambs that needed a home, and I suggested we visit the farm and take our pick.  

     By now, Rob is getting a little suspicious of the frantic texts flying back and forth between us, and when I asked him to remove the back seats from my van, he was understandably nervous and wanted to know why.  "I need more room for the lambs" I told him.  "WTF what do you mean by lambs, plural?" he squeaked.  I patiently explained that I was merely helping our friend, conveniently leaving out my part in the conspiracy. "Without the back seats we can cram in more lambs" I continued. He visibly paled, he hadn't signed on for this.

"If you want the back seats taken out" he said, "You can do it yourself, I'm not encouraging this foolishness". Which was a bit harsh. If he thought that would dissuade me, he was sorely mistaken, and I enlisted Grady's help instead. His parting comment was "Don't do anything stupid". "Don't worry" I assured him. Fortunately for me, we have very different ideas of what constitutes stupid.  


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