I Clipped It To My Weenie

Published on 12 February 2025 at 11:42

Disclaimer: Grady was a LOT younger when this event took place!!


I'm not sure I even know where I'm going with this post, except that if I hadn't realised it before (and I had), I do now, and that is the fact that boys are universally stupid. I'm sorry, I know that is politically incorrect but it's true. How else do you explain my son who came in to the kitchen with a pained look on his face, clutching his nether regions. I asked him what was the matter and he replied "The (clothes) peg you asked me to put away, I clipped it to my weenie". That is just wrong on so many levels, I don't know where to begin.  I found out his sister had egged him on, so I'm not sure if that compounds his stupidity or excuses it.

On another note, well actually it's all connected, my husband took the opportunity to have one of "those talks" with Grady tonight. I really, really wish I could repeat some of the conversation, but I'm thinking neither one would ever forgive me.  Oh, to hell with it, damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead, I'm going to go for it and pray that my son keeps his sense of humor. It turns out that Grady was gravely concerned about retracting his foreskin, because he thought it was the only thing holding the end of his penis in place, and if he moved it, it would pop out and fall off. I'm sorry to say, I missed much of the remaining conversation because I was laughing so hard.

I know, I'm a bad person and a terrible mother but when I have material like this fall in my lap, how can I ignore it? To be fair to my family, I always check before I post anything about them, and this was no exception. However, my entrepreneurial son struck a mean bargain, if I want to post this, it is going to cost me a Lego set.  I think it is worth it, I hope you agree. 


 I fear now however, he'd want a lot more than a Lego set, but it's not like he reads my blog anyway, so this post will be our little secret.

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