Back in the day, just when I thought we were well underway to being a normal family, this happens. The dickhead cat refused to come in last night and then proceeded to wake up Rob at 3 AM when he got into a fight outside our bedroom window.
I was blissfully unaware that my husband had launched out of bed, lurched down the stairs and took off through the front door. He was part way down the path yelling at the cat before he stopped short upon the realization he was buck-assed naked. Assuming no one would be out and about at that time, he carried on, unsuccessfully trying to nab the cat. It was at that point one of the neighbours strolled home, prompting my panicked husband to dive behind a bush.
The upshot was a cat who didn't saunter home until 10:00 AM and the strong probability of a brand new "For Sale" sign in the neighbourhood. P.S. All our cats are now indoor only!

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