Today a story about my youngest, Sidney. At only 7 years old she had proved to be the most challenging of our children. Whether she is beating the crap out of her brother, or giving herself a time out from her teacher, (yes really) she certainly requires the most creative parenting.
That particular weekend we were visiting family in Gravenhurst, in the heart of Muskoka country. Rob and his Aunt Ann took Sidney & Grady out for a hike in the wilderness, accompanied by Hugo their Bouvier. Rob's aunts live deep in bear country, so you don't venture into the woods without the protection of the dog. Ann has repeated told the children not to play outside in the yard without Hugo, because of marauding bears (again, yes really!) but I guess Sid had never paid attention to this, until now.
They are well into their hike, in the middle of nowhere when Ann makes her first mistake and decides to teach the kids something about their surroundings, pointing out some wolf scat on the path. Grady pounces excitedly on this discovery, whilst Sid steps back and fixes Ann with a baleful glare. Hands on hips she demands "What are you talking about, wolves? Are you telling me there are wolves in these woods?". "Well yes" answers Ann "There are". Sid is none too pleased at this turn of events, but with a little persuasion carries on her way.
A short while later, Ann commits mistake number two and points out a clump of bear fur caught on a branch. As expected, Grady is gleeful and eagerly pockets the tuft to take home. Sid cannot believe what is happening and again turns to Ann incredulously, "There are bears AND wolves here?" She asks. "Why did no-one tell me this before?" adding "I'm too beautiful to die!" Did I mention that Sid tends a little towards the drama? Ann explains that Hugo would warn them if there were any creatures lurking and also protect them. This seems to mollify Sid, and with a little more caution she continues on, in spite of this latest revelation.
One would think by now that Ann might have learned her lesson, but sadly no. In her quest to educate my children she points out evidence of a moose. This brings Sid to a screeching halt, and she confronts Ann again. "First wolves, then bears .." She is counting off on her fingers as she goes ".. and now you are telling me there are moose here too. Why didn't anyone warn me? I've had enough of this. I'm going back". And off she trots. Fortunately, Rob & Ann were able to convince her that she was a good deal safer sticking with the group, than she would be striking off on her own. Personally, I'm inclined to believe, woe betide the poor unsuspecting wolf or bear that encounters Sid. My money is on the kid.
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