I sometimes feel I don't give Grady the credit he deserves, probably because I'm usually having heart palpations at the time. So let's explore Grady and the taser incident.
It started off innocently enough, with Grady purchasing a bug zapper at the dollar store. With only a screwdriver and a diabolical mind he reconstructed the bug zapper into a taser. Two dollars doesn't get you much of a zap, but Grady if anything is persistent. Under the guise of building something for his high school Robotics Club, he had me order various parts from Amazon.
I had no idea that his intent was to actually build a proper taser, and he succeeded. This contraption held 10,000 volts. He assured me that his was safe and that the tasers used by the police have a much higher voltage. He was right, I checked. However 10,000 volts can still pack a punch.
He desperately wanted to test it on Sid - which was a totally foolhardy and suicidal notion. Realizing the potential downfall, and under strict instructions not to try it on any of the animals, he was left with only one option .... himself. Now Grady is equal parts reckless and cautious, so that night he crept in to our bedroom, and woke me up to ask me if I'd watch him taser himself. Normally, that is something I'd pay to see, but I was none to pleased at being woken up at midnight so I told him to fuck off instead.
Not to be deterred he approached Sid next, and unsurprisingly she jumped at the opportunity. She even filmed it. So here is where the caution kicked in, it turns out he wanted a witness in case he had underestimated the voltage (there's the recklessness) and needed someone to call 911.
It turns out Sid was singularly unimpressed with the results. I'm not sure what she was expecting (hoping for more like), other than the chance to summon paramedics, so when Grady tasered his leg, spasming in pain as he swore loudly and slowly slid off his chair, Sid can be heard in the background (remember she was filming this) laughing and complaining "It didn't do anything" while Grady is painfully stuttering "It doesn't make a fucking noise"
Before the recording is abruptly cut off, the intrepid hero announces, "Can't you smell the burning flesh?" as he is huddled in a heap on the floor. The best part - I have a copy of the recording.
Edit: Grady actually read my blog - for the first time ever and took issue with my version of events. Apparently I missed out a crucial fact. When he was building the first iteration (his words, not mine) I didn't believe he could actually achieve his goal, and mockingly suggested he test it on me. Embarrassingly, I screamed. However he didn't learn from this experience, because the "iteration" he tested on himself was much more powerful.

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