We get up one morning, and Sid complains about the chilly temperature. Not sure why as today is the warmest day to date in this hellish never ending frigid winter we have experienced, but she does. Particularly she grizzles her feet are cold. I suggest she don her slippers, so she skips back upstairs and is gone for some time. Finally, when she returns to the kitchen, she is wearing one reindeer slipper and one purple sequined slipper (don't ask). As a general rule I do not comment on what they wear, but I couldn't let this one pass, I was far too curious. "Pray tell" I asked, "Why are you wearing odd slippers?" "They were the only ones I could find" Sid replies.
At this point Grady jumps in and tells his sister that he knows where her other slippers are located and races to her bedroom to find them. Sure enough he returns quickly with the missing matching pairs. I am thrilled, there is hope for the boy yet. Typically, my children (and usually their father as well) can't find something without a flashing neon sign, even if said object is left in the middle of their bedroom doorway for them to stumble over. As I commended Grady on his excellent powers of observation, he looks at me pointedly and declares, "I hope I would know where they are, after all I'm the one that hid them." Enough said.
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