Slice to Meet You: Machete vs. the Fruit Bowl

Published on 26 February 2025 at 22:39

An alternative title to this post would be "Boys Are Idiots".  Men may take exception to this comment, but mothers of those boys I'm sure will wholeheartedly agree.

Case in point, the evening of Lindsay's 17th birthday party. I had hoped the parties would come to a grinding halt after her Sweet 16 shindig last year, but that is beside the point.  So, at the party we have about 10 girls and a few boyfriends thrown in, between 16 and 18 years of age.  All well behaved I should add.

Later in the evening we had to go and feed the lambs, and before I left, I reminded Lindsay about the no alcohol rule.  Little did I know it was Grady I should have been reading the riot act to.  

All was quiet when we returned, but then I noticed that Grady was sporting a large cut above his eyebrow.  "What happened to you?" I asked in concern.  "Oh, nothing" he replied, entirely too nonchalant for my liking.  He wiped off the cut and stuck his finger in his mouth. "Mmmm, strawberry" he murmured. My spidey senses are on full alert now. "How did you manage to get strawberry on your eyebrow" I asked suspiciously ?  "Oh" he replied as if this were an everyday occurrence, "We were using strawberries for batting practice".  "Don't worry," he added, "We only used the moldy ones, and it was a plastic bat".  I know for a fact there weren't any moldy strawberries, but I let that go. I should have guessed there was more to this story and there was.

Later on, as Rob and I are sitting in the sunroom (we had been ousted from everywhere else) I heard some of the kids talking outside, "That Fruit Ninja was fun" I heard.  Spidey senses tingling again, I called everyone in for a Q & A.  "What exactly do you mean by Fruit Ninja?", I quizzed as the guys stood there shuffling their feet, no one brave enough to make eye contact. Finally, one caved and said, "We were using Grady's machete to chop fruit".  Are you kidding me? More confident, another pipes up "Yes, we got it on video, want to see?" Sure enough those boys who should have known better, have filmed themselves wielding Grady's machete (another story entirely, blame it on his father) at the contents of my vegetable crisper. So much for the plastic bat !  To think I was concerned that one of them would swipe a beer underage.  I obviously still have a lot to learn. 

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